NWCA Division III Championships Set for Iowa

Updated: February 18, 2021

From the NWCA.com:

In light of the fact that the NCAA Division III Wrestling Championships have been cancelled, the NWCA Division III Leadership Group, in consultation with the coaches they represent in their respective regions, would like to provide the best national championship experience possible, especially for so many student-athletes who have now lost their second straight year of access to an NCAA Championship.  The goal is to follow these guiding principles:

  • We want to mirror, as closely as possible, the quality and feel of an NCAA Championship experience for the student-athletes.
  • We want this to be a safe experience with a comfort level all can feel good about
  • Any donations accepted to help defray costs for this event will be directed to a restricted DIII Wrestling Coaches Association account, administered by the NWCA.
  • They, the D3 Leadership Group are empathetic to the challenges of administrators and are looking to host this championship within the traditional intercollegiate wrestling season.

Please help us make this event a reality for the Division III student-athletes by making a donation today. There are considerable costs that go into putting a first-class event on for the student-athletes.  The NWCA Division III Leadership Group and the NWCA are looking to offset costs with generous donations from the wrestling community.  All donations received will be put into a restricted NWCA Division III Wrestling Coaches Association account (administered by the NWCA) and will be used to defray costs associated with this championship.  Thank you for your consideration of this request