Training Technique of the Week: Partner Neck Pushups

By Scott Goodpaster
Partner Neck Push-ups are an excellent way to increase the intensity of a push-up by engaging both partners. The bottom partner gets in a locked out push-up position keeping perfect core stabilization while the top partner places one hand on the shoulder and the hand on the neck. The top partner then performs push-ups. This exercise will strengthen the bottom partner’s neck in conjunction with his core. The top partner strengthens his core and upper-body pushing strength.
- Make sure both partners keep a strong core to prevent lumbar hyperextension
- Pick two partners that weigh the same
- Perform 10 push-ups to both sides of the body
Notice the placement of the hands. One on the shoulder and one on the side of the head.
(Scott Goodpaster, CSCS, is the Director of Cincinnati Functional Fitness, an MMA Certified Strength & Conditioning coach and nationally recognized in the field of strength & conditioning for wrestlers.)