3-Day Bodyweight Training Exercises

The following is a sample three-day Bodyweight Training workout schedule:

MONDAY (primary focus on lower body metabolic training and a secondary focus on strength)

Agilities – Tumbling (e.g. cartwheels, round offs, forward and backward rolls)

Neck – Bridging (e.g. front, side and back)

Metabolic lower body – Power Endurance leg program (e.g. superlegs)

Total Body Strength – Total Body Strength – Total Body Lift (e.g. suplex lift)

Lower Body Strength – Lower Body Lift (e.g. partner squat)

Upper Body Pushing Strength – Upper Body Push (e.g. partner push-ups)

Upper Body Pulling Strength – Upper Body Pull (e.g. partner pulls)

Core Flexor Strength – Core Flexion Exercise (e.g. partner crunch)

Core Extensor Strength – Core Extension Exercise (e.g. partner extension)


WEDNESDAY (primary focus on power and a secondary focus on strength)

Agilities – Tumbling (e.g. cartwheels, round offs, forward and backward rolls)

Neck – Bridging (e.g. front, side and back)

Total Body Power – Total Body Explosive Exercise (e.g. body cleans)

Lower Body Power – Lower Body Explosive Exercise (e.g. partner hurdles)

Upper Body Pushing Power – Upper Body Explosive Push (e.g. explosive push-up)

Total Body Strength – Total Body Lift (e.g. partner deadlift)

Core Flexor Strength – Core Flexion Exercise (e.g. partner crunch)

Core Extensor Strength – Core Extension Exercise (e.g. partner reverse extension)


FRIDAY (equal focus on metabolic, power and strength training)

Biomotor Skill – 25 yard skills (skipping and shuffling)

Agilities – Tumbling (e.g. cartwheels, round offs, forward and backward rolls)

Metabolic Lower Body – Power Endurance Leg Protocol   (e.g. superlegs)

Total Body Strength – Total Body Lift (e.g. suplex lift)

Total Body Strength – Total Body Lift (e.g. partner stand up)

Lower Body Strength – Lower Body Lift (e.g. partner squat)

Total Body Power – Total Explosive Exercise (e.g. high suplex pull)

Upper Body Pulling Power – Upper Body Explosive Pull (e.g. alternating partner pulls)

Core Flexor Strength – Core Flexion Exercise (e.g. v-ups)

Core Extensor Strength – Core Extension Exercise (e.g. supermans)

Metabolic Runs – 300 yard shuttles


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