Training Technique of the Week: Kettlebell Rope Swings

By Scott Goodpaster
Kettlebell Rope Swings are a total-body exercise which create glute and hamstring strength while working on your wrestlers’ grip strength.
Make sure to drive with the hips because this will give you momentum for the swing and create weightlessness at the top. Sink the kettlebell between the legs like you’re hiking a football. Make sure to decelerate the decent of the kettlebell with your hamstrings.
• Notice how wrestler Alex Kowal is being efficient by relaxing his shoulders which allows his glutes and hamstring to do the work
• Perform three sets for one minute.
(Scott Goodpaster, CSCS, is the Director of Cincinnati Functional Fitness, an MMA Certified Strength & Conditioning coach and nationally recognized in the field of strength & conditioning for wrestlers.)