State-by-State Plans for High School Sports & Wrestling – Sept 15

Updated: September 14, 2020

Compiled by Rob Sherrill, WIN High School columnist

Following are the current plans as of Sept. 15 that each state has published for its fall sports and for its wrestling season. This list will be updated online ( as updates become available.

Sept 15 Update: New York, Wisconsin, Delaware, Colorado & Connecticut make changes

Alabama – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournaments remain as scheduled.

Alaska – fall sports began on Aug. 20 with one-week delay; state wrestling tournament scheduled for Jan. 29-30, 2021.

Arizona – football to start 8-10 game schedule week of Sept. 7; other fall sports also to have late starts and abridged seasons; winter season to start one week late; wrestling tournament information TBA.

Arkansas – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament information TBA.

California – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of overall schedule modification; wrestling state tournament June 11-12, 2021.

Colorado – boys golf, boys tennis and girls softball began fall seasons; football and other fall sports to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season schedule modification; state wrestling tournament Mar. 6, 2021.

Connecticut – football and volleyball seasons on hold pending modifications approval; cross country, field hockey, soccer and swimming to begin Aug. 29; approval to contest wrestling TBA.

Delaware – fall sports to start Sept. 28; wrestling remains part of winter season; approval to contest wrestling and football TBA.

District of Columbia – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of three-season schedule modification; seasons start Jan. 4, 2021 and conclude June 13 (does not sponsor wrestling).

Florida – delayed start of fall sports until Aug. 24, but games will be played as scheduled; state wrestling tournaments remain as scheduled.

Georgia – football games started Sept. 4; state championships Dec. 28-30; state wrestling tournaments remain as scheduled. Eight schools have canceled fall seasons; about 75 have suspended fall seasons.

Hawaii – air riflery and bowling to start as scheduled; other fall sports to move to January; no-contact period extended through Sept. 13; state wrestling tournament TBA.

Idaho – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Illinois – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season schedule modification; wrestling season ends Feb. 13, 2021; state wrestling tournament not scheduled.

Indiana – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Iowa – fall sports began as scheduled; football season reduced to seven games ending Oct. 9; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Kansas – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Kentucky – fall practice began Aug. 24; fall sports competitions to begin Sept. 7, football Sept. 11; state football playoffs pushed back one week; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Louisiana – football to start 6-8 game regular season on Oct. 8; cross country and swimming competitions started Aug. 31, volleyball Sept. 8; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Maine – fall sports practices to start Sept. 15; fall sports competitions to begin Sept. 25, football Oct 2 if modifications are approved; state wrestling tournaments TBA.

Maryland – fall and winter competition seasons will be postponed beyond the first semester. Modified competition seasons will be developed that would take place during the second semester.

Massachusetts – football, cheer and unified basketball to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season schedule modification; practice for other fall sports to start Sept. 14; approval to contest wrestling and football TBA.

Michigan – football to begin Sept. 18; golf and tennis competitions began Aug. 19, cross country meets Aug. 21; competition for boys soccer, girls volleyball and swimming starts Sept. 9; state wrestling tournaments remain as scheduled.

Minnesota – cross country, girls tennis, soccer and girls swimming started practice Aug. 17; football and girls volleyball to move to spring of 2021; state wrestling tournament TBA.

Mississippi – fall sports to be contested as scheduled after a two-week delay to start of practice (does not sponsor wrestling).

Missouri – fall sports began as scheduled; alternate spring and summer seasons established for fall and spring sports; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Montana – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Nebraska – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Nevada – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of three-season schedule modification; wrestling season ends Feb. 20; state tournaments TBA.

New Hampshire – fall sports practice to begin Sept. 8; fall sports competitions to begin on phased schedule, with football Sept. 25; state wrestling tournaments TBA.

New Jersey – practice for outdoor fall sports seasons to begin Sept. 14 as part of four-season schedule modification; football to play six-game regular season from Oct. 2-Nov. 7; final fall competition Nov. 22; indoor fall sports to move to new Season 3 starting on Feb. 19; wrestling season to conclude Feb. 17; state wrestling tournament TBA.

New Mexico – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of overall schedule modification; wrestling state tournament June 14-16, 2021.

New York football, volleyball and competitive cheer to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season plan; cross country, field hockey, soccer, swimming and tennis to start competition Sept. 21; all fall regional and state championship events cancelled; start of winter season postponed from Nov. 16 to Nov. 30; three-season condensed contingency plan schedules wrestling from Jan. 4-Mar. 13, 2021.

North Carolina – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of overall schedule modification; wrestling season ends June 11, 2021; state wrestling tournament not scheduled.

North Dakota – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Ohio – fall sports approved by Gov. Mike DeWine; playoffs will begin on Oct. 9 and state championship games will be played Nov. 13-14 and Nov. 20-21; cross country, golf, tennis and girls volleyball to begin as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled. About 60 schools have canceled or suspended football seasons.

Oklahoma – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Oregon – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season schedule modification; discretionary Season 1 in fall 2020 to be followed by three seasons to be contested in 2021; tentative state wrestling tournament Mar. 6, 2021.

Pennsylvania – fall sports to start Aug. 24 by local school option; state wrestling tournament TBA.

Rhode Island – football, girls volleyball and unified volleyball to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season plan; fall sports that will be contested delayed from Sept. 14 to Sept. 21; state wrestling tournament TBA.

South Carolina – fall sports competitions began Aug. 31, football Sept. 11; football season shortened from 10 to seven games, state championship games Nov. 20; state wrestling tournament TBA.

South Dakota – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Tennessee – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Texas – football split into two seasons, with 1A-4A season Aug. 31-Dec. 19 and 5A-6A season Oct. 1-Jan. 12; other fall sports to begin as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Utah – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.

Vermont – cross country, golf, soccer, girls field hockey and bass fishing may begin on the first student day for a school, in late August or early September; volleyball may begin with modifications; 7-on-7 football to start Sept. 25; guidelines for winter sports to be published by Oct. 15; state wrestling tournament TBA.

Virginia – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of three-season schedule modification; wrestling state tournament remains as scheduled, but the field may be reduced.

Washington – football to move to spring of 2021 as part of four-season schedule modification; wrestling state tournament Feb. 26-27, 2021 (tentative).

West Virginia – fall practice began Aug. 17; phased competition began Aug. 24, football Sept. 3; state wrestling tournament TBA.

Wisconsin – fall practice to begin Sept. 7; phased competition to begin Aug. 20, football Sept. 23; state series TBA; alternate spring season established for fall sports; wrestling season to conclude week of Feb. 15, 2021; state wrestling tournaments TBA.

Wyoming – fall sports began as scheduled; state wrestling tournament remains as scheduled.